Thanks for Signing Up! Want a bonus mini expansion included in your pledge?

Place a $1 refundable deposit and you'll get our Mini-Expansion "The Forgotten Keep" ($20 MSRP Value) when you get your copy of Winds of Numa Sera.

The Kickstarter Price for the Winds of Numa Sera Base Game will be $49 (plus shipping). That's a 20% discount off the $65 MSRP.


These are the most commonly asked questions about our product, the reservation, and crowdfunding.

Why are we asking for a $1 reservation?

It helps us more accurately forecast demand and production before we launch.

What if I change my mind later?

If you placed the $1 deposit but decide you don't want the mini-expansion anymore, just let us know and we'll refund your $1 deposit. You'll still be notified when we launch and can still back our campaign (and get our game). 😊

How and when will I receive my bonus item?

Your bonus mini-expansion will be automatically added to your pledge manager cart AFTER the campaign is complete. You'll need to back one of our main reward tiers when we launch in order to receive it.

100% Refund Guarantee.....

If you cancel your reservation, we guarantee you a full refund at any time before the project moves into production.

Transparency Guarantee

We will be transparent about the progress of our project throughout the entire campaign.

Secure Payment

All orders are processed through our secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy.